Tag Archives: Asana

Benefits of a Sattvic Diet


Food is an integral source of energy for the body and mind. Consumption of properly balanced wholesome meals has a direct effect on the vitality of the human body and mind. A yogic diet should ideally follow a pure food (sattvic) diet. Consuming sattvic food has the ability to alter the body chemistry, and revive and rejuvenate the digestive system. Furthermore, suitable and nutritious sattvic food provides lightness, happiness, and joyfulness to the human body and is said to increase intelligence. For these reasons, one should be very mindful about the types and quantity of food he consumes. It is also important to be conscious of when and where one consumes his food.

During my food experience I noticed that if my meals were healthy and filling I did not experience any discomfort in my asana practice. I was able to hold the postures with ease and felt comfortable in my practice. I was relaxed and focused. I had full concentration since I was not distracted by my hunger.

Overall, I noticed that my asana practice was very comfortable and calm. I did not struggle with the postures. Instead of forcing my body to maintain/hold a certain posture (that I normally have difficulty with) I minimally altered the posture to suit my body’s needs.

However, it was essential for a sufficient amount of time to elapse between my last meal and my yoga practice. If there not enough time in between my yoga practice became sluggish. This was most likely due to the fact that my food was completely digested by the time I began my asana practice. As a result I experienced discomfort while practicing. My muscles felt very tight and I could not properly relax since I was so uncomfortable. My stomach also began to cramp up. As a consequence, my yoga practice was arduous and I was constantly out of breath during each of the postures. I didn’t feel like I had enough stamina or energy to hold the posture for an extended period of time. However, I found that if I focused my attention at gaze at my hand I could hold the asana for the full five breaths it requires. After a while this was no longer feasible so to help alleviate the strain I held each position for a shorter amount of breaths (two as opposed to the normal five).

If I was not satisfied with my prior meal it was not long before I began to feel bit hungry. I became irritated during my yoga practice and could not properly concentrate. I was completely unfocused. This was obviously due to the fact that I did not properly nourish by body prior to beginning my asana practice.